Are you a licensed driving school? Do you have Driver Training School Licence Number?
Yes, we are a licensed driver training school. Our Driver Training School Licence Number. is DTS-100094, issued by Transportatio Department of Alberta Government.
Where are you located?
We are located at 18 Cougar Ridge Crescent, South West, Calgary. Please call us at 403-532 4472 to book classes  or for an appointment to visit our office.
When can I start the in-vehicle lesson once I enrolled for the program?
It depends on the season. In the busy season, for example during the summer vacation, you might need to wait a bit longer. We suggest you to contact the school if you want to get the up-to-date information.
How can I book my in-vehicle training appointments?
We have Online Appointment Booking system. We send you an ONLINE CALENDAR link after receiving your payment and registration form. You can then go online and reserve your in-vehicle appointments according to your schedule from the available date and time. It is always a good idea to reserve your appointments as early as possible.
When can I start my Theory lessons?
You can start the On-line theory classes within 24 hours after the registration. For the in-class (traditional) theory lessons, you can reserve the latest available date. Please contact school to reserve the date for the month that you want to enroll. We suggest to reserve your seat in advance.
How often do you have in-class (traditional) theory session?
It depends on the seasons. Normally, we have 15 hours in-class training session every month, which is conducted during the week-ends. Students need to attend 2 full days (total 15 hours) and pass the test to get the certificate.
Can I reschedule my in-vehicle lesson, once it is fixed?
Yes, you can. But you need to inform us by writing an email or calling us in person at least 48 hours before your scheduled training time. Please check our terms and conditions for other details.
Do you provide FREE pick up and drop off services?
Yes, we provide free pick and drop off service for in-vehicle lessons, within Calgary city (some restrictions apply). However, we do not offer this service for the In-class theory lessons and for the car rent for road test.
Do you provide one-on-one instruction?
Yes, we provide one-on-one instruction and we think it is very important. You might be paying less for those schools who do not practice this. But then for such school the instructor’s focus will be more on using student’s training time for ferrying around from one location to another location of students for pick-up and drop off instead of focusing on the driving training and his progress.
Is Insurance Reduction Course worth taking?
Yes, most of the insurance companies provide the insurance premium reduction after successfully taking the Insurance Reduction Course and providing them your certificate. Talk to your insurance company to be sure about it.
I have lost my Course Completion Certificate (Insurance reduction course certificate). How can I get a copy of it?
Please contact the school and we can provide you a copy of it, if it was issued within the last 2 years. You need to pay a FEE to cover the administration cost. Normally, we do not keep the record after 2 years.
What is the minimum and maximum duration of in-vehicle training per session?
The minimum duration of in-vehicle training is 2 hours per session. If you have booked for 10 hours in-vehicle training, then you can finish it in 5 sessions. The maximum hours you can do in one day is 4 hours with 15 mins. break after 2 hours.
Do you have female instructor?
Yes, we have certified and experienced female Senior Instructor.
Which program is good for me?
It depends on your driving skills and licence status. Here are a few examples:

♦ If you hold class 7 learner licence or Class 5-GDL Licence, then we recommend to enroll minimum 10 hrs in-vehicle training + 15 hrs. theory course, so that you can get Course Completion Certificate, that in general helps you for insurance reduction.

♦ If you hold Class 5 non-GDL licence and want to have insurance reduction certificate then you need minimum 6 hrs in-vehicle + 15 hrs. theory course.

♦ For experienced driver, who wants to refresh their driving skills and confidence, 2 hrs in-vehicle training might suffice.

Do you provide Online Theory Classes?
Yes, we provide online theory classes. Once you enrolled any of our Insurance Reduction Programs, you can start the online theory training immediately. You can study online course anytime of the day at the comfort of your home or school or office.
Do you provide driving Licence courses for class 1,2 or 4?
No, we do not provide these courses.
How do I make the payment?
You can pay using INTERAC e-transfer system. You can also pay through our website by CREDIT CARD or PAYPAL. Note that, it might take few seconds to load the PAYPAL webpage. You do not need to have PAYPAL account to make the payment using CREDIT CARD. Just scroll down in the PAYPAL payment system and you will see the option for credit card.
What happens to my lesson in case of Inclement Weather conditions?
For the safe and better learning experience, we normally cancel the training lesson in case of Inclement Weather conditions and reschedule your lesson at the earliest available time.

Driver Licensing / Driving Test / Driving in Calgary

Are you looking for driver licensing, driving test, or simply want to develop your driving shills and confidence? In this page, you will find related useful links about Driver Licensing, Driving Road Test and other related information to help you learn more about driving in Calgary, Alberta. It mainly covers Driver Licensing, Driver’s Guide (e-book), road test for new drivers and other information. If you have some specific questions about driver training, let us know, we will try to help you.

You can find about our company’s licensed information in the link below from Transportation Alberta home page. Look in M section. 

Driver Licensing Related Information from Alberta Transportation

Driver’s Guide to Operation, Safety and Licensing Cars and Light Trucks (e-book)

Class 5 Road Test for New Drivers

Road Test Related information

Find out how to get a driver’s licence in Alberta

Moxie Driving
Moxie Driving Academy
Moxie Driving Academy
18 Cougar Ridge Crescent,SW
Calgary, AB, Canada T3H4X7
Tel.: +1-403-532-4472
Opening Hours: Mo-Fr: 09:00 - 21:00
Sa-Su: 10:00 - 17:00
Contact: Customer Service
Tel.: +1-403-532-4472