Driving Lessons - Courses and Skill Development at Moxie Driving:
Below we have listed all the course details we cover during our training sessions for the full insurance reduction course. It helps you to develop your skills in driving and be a confident driver. These are the skills and knowledge required to prepare you not only for driving-road-test but also for your future day-to-day driving needs.
Suggested Lesson Plan and Activities:
♦ Pre-trip (Exterior)
♦ Basic Habits (Interior)
♦ Demonstration Drive/Demo
♦ Start/Stop
♦ Lane Changing/ Blind Zone Check
♦ Turn-Right / Turn-Left[spacer height="6px"]
♦ Intersections (Control/Uncontrolled)
♦ Multi-Lane Roadways
♦ Turns - Controlled Intersections
♦ Turns - Multi-Lane Intersections
♦ Backing[spacer height="6px"]
♦ Parallel Parking
♦ Angle / Perpendicular Parking
♦ Up/Down Hill Parking[spacer height="10px"]
♦ One-Way Streets
♦ Rail Way Crossings
♦ Traffic Circles
♦ Highway/Freeway Driving
♦ Hazard Awareness/Hazard Management[spacer height="10px"]
♦ Merging/Weave Zones
♦ 2 & 3 Points Turns
♦ Adverse Conditions
♦ Downtown
♦ Independent Driving[spacer height="70px"]
1. Vehicle- Handling (Psychomotor) Skills:
♦ Steering
♦ Braking
♦ Speed Control
♦ Scanning (space)
〉 Rear
〉 Peripheral
〉 Front
♦ Visual Skills
〉 Tracking
〉 Intersections
〉 Turns
〉 Parking/Backing
2. Knowledge (Cognitive) Skills
♦ Judgement - Time
♦ Judgement - Space
♦ Judgement - Right of Way
♦ Decision Making Planning
♦ Traffic
〉 Signs
〉 Lights
〉 Markings
♦ Rules of the Road
♦ Commentary
3. Awareness (Perceptual) Skills
♦ Hazard Awareness
♦ Hazard Management
♦ Risk Assessment
♦ Commentary

Moxie Driving Academy
18 Cougar Ridge Crescent,SW
Calgary, AB, Canada T3H4X7
Tel.: +1-403-532-4472